Sunday, April 09, 2006

Saturday morning

You can't tell...but we are having a good time...really we are

Yesterday I went to the Bob Hope Airport to pick up Jonnie and Ronda at 10:15 A.M. They're staying until Tuesday. We dropped Ronda off at the Paseo mall to do some shopping and then went up to Hudson and got the Zuumer and drove up to the old block to reminisce. Jonnie called Kyle from in front of her old house. Barbara wasn't home at the time but she called back later. We might see her on Monday. We drove around town and went down to see Jonnie's uncle's old house on Prospect. It was beautiful with a running brook in the front yard. Then we drove back to Hudson to get the Rav4 and then pick up Lynne and Ronda to go to lunch. In the meantime, Jonnie called Jackie and talked about having a reunion maybe next year. We ate at the Corner Bakery then went to the Big Five because Jonnie insisted I should get a pair of polarized sun glasses before my eyes wrinkle and fall off. They were on sale so we both bought a pair. Next we drove back to Michael's house where we had a nice visit and heard Michael's newly composed music. We ended the day with everyone going out to eat at Rudy's. We had a wonderful time.

Sell all my shares...pronto

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